From pipe layers to complete high efficiency 3D GPS grading!
Piper 200 Pipe Lasers
Perfect for road crossings, tight culverts, gravity flow pipe line storm and sanitary sewer construction.
- Fits inside a 100mm (4 inch) pipe
- Patented alignmaster
- Self leveling range and cross axis compensation
- Multi-function remote up to 500’
- Waterproof and 5 year warranty
Package includes: Piper 200, remote, target and Li-ion battery
Rugby 600-800 Series lasers
Suitable for large or small construction applications.
- Versatile inside and outside
- Easily does slopes with one button simplicity
- Self-leveling or dual axis capable
- Waterproof, dustproof and submersible in the 800 series, 5 year warranty
Rugby 270-410 Model Lasers
Appropriate for precise grade control.
- Long range 2-way remote control
- Complete compatibility with Leica Geosystems such as: Power grade, power blade, deph master and power digger
- Waterproof, dustproof and submersible in the 800 series, 5 year warranty
For more information contact our Machine Control Specialist, Tyler Wright >, (585) 698-0358.