Monroe Tractor

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Part Details Parts

Part Details Parts


Part Number: G25174-0810T
Description: 8G-10FJX45S-TCX
Search Description: 8G-10FJX45
Manufacturer: GATES RUBBER CO

Price: $57.33

* Current price may vary based on inventory and availability.

CLAAS Trip Across Europe

Mark Bailey, the Branch Manager of Monroe Tractor Auburn, recently joined CLAAS on a trip across Europe. This trip was an insightful expereince that left a lasting impact on both Mark and our dealership’s relationship with CLAAS and our customers. Accompanied by his wife Jamie, Mark joined a group of dealers and customers from various […]

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Celebrating Milestones At Monroe Tractor

At Monroe Tractor, our success is built on the dedication and hard work of our team. It’s with great pride that we take a moment to congratulate a remarkable group of individuals who have reached significant milestones in their journey with us. These milestones represent not just years of service but are also a testament […]

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Buyers Advantage Trip

Monroe Tractor’s parts team traveled to Washington D.C. for the Buyers Advantage Winter Conference 2024. Rob Atwood, Ken Zelter, Jonah Duyssen, and Neil Golden represented Monroe Tractor at the event which stands as a collaborative network of dealerships across the United States, fostering partnerships with vendors such as Exxon Mobil, Fill-Rite, Baldwin Filters, and more. […]

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